A Glimpse At The Scientific Life Of Sir C V Raman
Feeling Physics has completed it's one year on 28 July. And to celebrate this let's have a look at the scientific life of Sir C V Raman. This article is an extract from the 'C V Raman, A Biography' by Uma Parameswaran. Look at the resplendent colours on the soap bubbles! Why is the sea blue? What makes diamonds glitter? Ask the right questions, and nature will open the doors to her secrets. ‘I have panted a papaya tree today. I will not be here when it bears fruit, but there will be others to enjoy them.' Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman ( 1888-1970) responded to beauty in nature and in the art with all his senses. He was all times a scientist, breathing and living science throughout his life, giving all he had- material, intellectual, and spiritual – to the cause of science. He made the Indian Association of Science in Calcutta everything that its founder, Mahendralal Sircar, had dreamt it would be. At the Indian Academy of Sciences that he founded...